AI + Automation Lab

AI + Automation Lab Contact us

Here are different ways to contact the Lab team. We are looking forward to your message.

Stand: 22.05.2020


AI + Automation Lab team tweets under @br_ailab. To contact us, you can reply to one of our tweets, mention us in a tweet or send us a direct message.


General inquiries, suggestions for topics, praise and criticism can be sent to, or

Right of withdrawal

BR will use your e-mail address and the content of your mail only for the processing of your request. You can revoke your consent to this data processing at any time with effect for the future. Please use the same e-mail address of the BR from above for your revocation. Information according to Art. 13 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

Anonymous and encrypted information

Send us information via encrypted e-mail if you think it belongs to the public or should be researched by the Lab or BR Data.

As an anonymous source, you do not have to give your name or contact details. You are also protected by editorial confidentiality. If you would like us to contact you, please leave a message. On request, we can also give you the opportunity to send us larger amounts of data in a secure way.

Please contact the following lab members via PGP-encrypted e-mail:

Steffen Kühne: PGP key
Michael Kreil: PGP key

  • If you wish to contact us anonymously, do not use your business telephone, mobile phone or professional e-mail address. In particularly sensitive cases, you should also not use your private mobile phone, landline or private e-mail account. Instead, use disposable mobile phones, prepaid SIM cards that were not purchased in your name, or disposable email accounts.
  • Use a computer with no personal information on a public Wi-Fi network and disguise your identity and origin on the Internet by using Tor anonymization systems.
  • If you don't feel safe using the encryption techniques, contact us and arrange a personal meeting in a safe place. We are happy to help you.

Warning: Despite all these measures, absolute anonymity and security cannot be guaranteed!


+49 (0)89/5900-16218


Bayerischer Rundfunk
AI + Automation Lab
PB Politik und Wirtschaft
Floriansmühlstr. 60
80939 München