Bayern 2 - Nachtmix


Playlist Sabine Gietzelt

Von: Sabine Gietzelt

Stand: 14.10.2022

14 Oktober

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2022

George Clinton
Atomic Dog
Album: The Best Of George Clinton

George Clinton
Man's Best Friend
Album: Computer Games

James Brown
Dooley's Junkyard Dogs
Album: The Singles, Vol. 19, 1975-1979

Quiche Lorraine
Album: Wild Planet

The Beatles
Hey Bulldog!
Album: Yellow Submarine

Harry Nilsson
The Puppy Song
Album: Harry

Last Time We Spoke Featuring - Bobby, Jr.
Album: Blinking Lights And Other Revelations

Simon Bookish
Alsatian Dog
Album: Everything/Everything

Heinz Strunk
Album: Sie Nannten Ihn Dreirad

Schwarzer Hund
Album: Hitsignale

Sarah McCoy
Ugly Dog
Album: Blood Siren

Jonathan Richman
Our Dog is Getting old
Album: Colours Are Brighter

Charlie Feathers
Walking the dog
Album: Rock-A-Billy The Definitive Collection Of Rare And Unissued Recordings 1954-1973!

Police Dog Blues
Album: Bible

Trolle Siebenhaar
Sweet dogs
Album: Sweet dogs EP