Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Vortrag | Netzkongress 2019 Shelly Knotts: Algorave - Dance music with code

Stand: 09.11.2019 | Archiv

Talk auf Englisch Algoraves are electronic dance parties which embrace the alien sounds of raves from the past, but where the music and visuals are created by performers using code and algorithmic processes in realtime. At an Algorave, performers live code and project their laptop screens for the audience to see the creative process unfolding. The word was coined around 2012, initially as a joke, but has since taken hold with Algoraves taking place worldwide, and large communities developing in North America, Japan, Europe and Latin America. The session will introduce the cultures and philosophies of Algorave, and give a practical introduction to making dance music with code. Wie die britische Musikerin Shelly Knotts Raves codet