Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Ralf Summer

Stand: 16.10.2020

Playlisten | Bild: BR

16 Oktober

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020

Stevie Wonder: Can´t Put It In The Hands Of Fate ft Rapsody, Cordae, Chika & Busta Rhymes

Eugen Schott: Kep
Album: Analog Asia

Kevin Morby: Wander
Album: Sundowner

beabadoobee: Yoshimi Forest Magdalene
Album: Fake It Flowers

Eugen Schott: Kep
Album: Analog Asia

Róisin Murphy: Kingdom of Ends
Album: Róisin Machine

Zenker Brothers: Who´s In Control
Album: Cosmic Transmission

Zenker Brothers: Transforming Well
Album: Cosmic Transmission

Zenker Brothers: Sphere Force
Album: Cosmic Transmission

Zenker Brothers: Divided Society
Album: Cosmic Transmission

Zenker Brothers: Let Loose
Album: Cosmic Transmission

Daniel Bortz: Grind
Album: Stay

Bei Ru: Anahid
Album: Custom Made Life

Eugen Schott: Konglor
Album: Analog Asia

Helena Deland: Dog
Album: Someone New

Autechre: Psin AM
Album: Sign