Bayern 2 - Zündfunk


Playlist Wolfram Hanke

Stand: 25.02.2023

Playlisten | Bild: BR

25 Februar

Samstag, 25. Februar 2023

The Sonics
Have Love Will Travel
Album: Here Are The Sonics

Suzi Cream Cheese
Album: 1. Mai

Suzi Cream Cheese
She's Uptown
Album: Baby, It's Time

The For Presidents
Don't Tell Things About Me
Album: The Tape That Should Be The Fantastic 1st LP

Jonas Crash & The Nightmares
Album: Penis-Cassette 2

Dirty Curds
Shake Your Shoeas
Album: Penis-Cassette 2

The Broken Jug
Album: William

Thee Cherokee Chiefs
No Friend Of Mine
Album: No Friend Of Mine

Newski Prospekt
Album: Selfish/The Birds

The B‘Shops
And I Ride
Album: Grass

Shiny Gnomes
Lazing A Desert Inn
Album: Some Funny Nightmares

The Truffauts
Leave This Town!
Album: Billy Ze Kick

Throw That Beat In The Garbagecan!
There's Something
Album: Cool

Throw That Beat In The Garbagecan!
Little Red Go-Cart
Album: Not Particularly Silly

The Fuzztones
Album: Lysergic Emanations